Aude Langlois is a French sound artist, composer and lecturer based in Berlin. She graduated with a Master's degree in ‘Sound Studies’ from the Berlin University of the Arts and a Bachelor's degree in ‘Music and Musicology’ from the Paris-Sorbonne. In her work, she combines electronic instruments, acoustic textures and vocal elements to explore the interaction points between technology and perception. Whether as part of sound-to-image projects, music for theatre or spatial audio compositions, she creates sound experiences that inspire reflection and encourage active listening.
As part of the collaborative project LEEWA (recipient of STIP-4 Stipendienprogramm zur Künstlichen Intelligenz from Musikfonds in 2024) within Ekheo (with Belinda Sykora), she explores the relationship between AI, voice and ethics. Her own focus is on the technical and perceptual possibilities of spatial audio to give artificial voices a tangible presence.
︎ Voice & technology in the age of AI as part of Ekheo
Spatial audio
︎ Sound & music for moving image
︎ Field recording & ecoacoustics




January 16 |Tischkonzert mit personal Computer im Memoriam ROLF LANGEBARTELS - opbo gallery - Berlin, Germany
March 07 |Mesomeria“ Workshop on prepared piano, modular system & feedback loop with Felipe Vareschi - Funkhaus - Berlin, Germany
April 26 | Audiovisual performance as Ekheo with Belinda Sykora and Rodger Brown - Westflügel - Leipzig, Germany
November 16 |  as Ekheo with Belinda Sykora and Rodger Brown - TBC - Berlin, Germany
December 03 | Album release show as Ekheo with Belinda Sykora and Rodger Brown - Silent Green - Berlin, Germany


October 25-26 I
Audiovisual performance of “Leewa - a digital child” as Ekheo at Lab 30 Festival, Augsburg, Germany
September 22 |
 Artist talk and performance with Ekheo at the Holitopia Festival - Festival for Arts and Future, Berlin
September 19-22 |
Sound installation “Hidden Sounds of Holitopia” presented at Holitopia Festival - Festival for Arts and Future, Berlin
September 8 | Premiere of the short film “In Search of a Landscape” with the artist Chrystel Lebas by Grupppo (Location sound recording and music), Bleesern, Germany
July 25 | Opening of the video installation “Sentient Being - The Growing Edge”, a video installation by Ian Kaler (Sound Recording and Sound Design) - mumok Museum -  Vienna, Austria
July 19-21 | Premiere of the performance “Last Dance /And For The Time Being” by Ian Kaler and Stephane Peeps (Sound Recording),  -  Ufer Studio -  Berlin, Germany and - ImpulsTanz Festival- Vienna, Austria
April 13 I Premiere of “Reveals”, a multichannel composition premiered at the spatial sound festival “From all sides” - Funkhaus - Berlin, Germany 
April 03 | Sound and visual improvisation as Ekheo with Rodger Brown - Hosek Contemporary - Berlin, Germany


December 28 | Publication of  “ERWEITERUNG DES ICHS” Article about music and AI, published with Boris Brandt on TipBerlin
December 1, 9 | Spatial Audio Network Germany Think Tank - Berlin, Leipzig, Germany
November 24 |  Premiere of "Love Your Clean Feet On Thursday" by Young-jun Tak (sound recording) - Fondation Hermès - Seoul, South Korea
October 12 | Premiere of “Foodfight", a theatre piece produced by Platypus Theater, sound design and music, Platypus Theater, Berlin
August 30 | Performance of "Lost Voices", a project by Anika, sound curation and performance, Pop Kultur, Deutschland Funk Kultur
April 14-16 I First representations of  "Untiefe - a depthless place", puppet theatre piece nominated for the Cologne Dance and Theatre Awards 2023, music and mix as Ekheo (duo with Belinda Sykora), Westflügel, Leipzig
January - May |
"DIS/TANZ", artistic research project on acoustic ecology and multichannel immersive soundscape supported by Musikfonds, Baitz-Brandenburg

December 8-18 I Presentation of "Artificial Reminiscense" , site-specific, multi-channel fixed media composition as part of the group exhibition "Sounding the museum"- Märkisches Museum, Berlin
September 14 I Premiere of “La voix humaine" by Jean Cocteau, produced by Monstress Mess, sound performance as Ekheo, ACUD Theatre & Brotfabrik, Berlin
August 17 I Sound performance as Ekheo with AI-generated voices - AMRO Festival, Linz
Mai 13 I Release of “This is my voice” on the sound art & experimental music compilation on True Aether Label
April 28 I  "Leewa" , live improvisation as Ekheo with AI-generated visuals by Naoto Hieda and Flor de Fuego & Lecture & Perfromance on AI, ethics and voice with B. Sykora - La GaitéLyrique, Paris 


November 10-19 I Video Installation of “Leewa” with AI-generated visuals by Naoto Hieda and Flor de Fuego - WHA Gallery - Linz, Austria
September  I Guest vocals on "TRISTESSE" on the album DUNKEL by Die Ärtze, Berlin, Germany
August 25 I  Sound performance as Ekheo with visuals by Rodger Brown - Hosek Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
July 20-25 I  Artistic residency as Ekheo at Silicon Friends Camp - Gosau-Linz, Austria
June 21 I  Premiere of the experimental film "The Dupe Of Another" by Sarah Entwistle (composition, sound design), Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin & Signs and Symbols, New York
June 22 I  Pneuma, binaural livestream sound performance as Ekheo - 48 Hours Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
March 5 I  Voyage Voyage, sound performance as Ekheo - Sounds About at the Zwitschermaschine & Vorspiel Transmediale, Berlin, Germany
March 5 I Premiere of the documentary "Safe Spaces" (Square für Künstler  - Carte Blanche für Ebow) by Ebow (Location sound recording) - ARTE France, Germany


December I "AI, Voice, Gender and Identity", Keynote Speaker, with B. Sykora - MUK, Vienna
July 31  I Self release of Promesses, EP, Berlin
July 15 I Sound performance as Ekheo with visuals by Rodger Brown - Hosek Contemporary, Berlin


December I "Voice and Identity", keynote speaker, with B. Sykora - Voice Conference, Berlin
I  “Thinking AI‘s voices: Gender and Identity”, with B. Sykora - paper published on
I "Voice and desire: the gendered electrified voice”, guest lecture, Universität von Paderborn
I "Voice and desire: the gendered, electrified voice”, research presentation - CTM Festival, Berlin


July I Presentation of Corps Sonores - Master Project for “Master Sound Studies” -  University of Arts - Berlin, Germany
April 2016-July 2018
I Master Studies “Sound Studies” at the University of Arts - Berlin, Germany 


July I concept, recording, mixing of ‘La cabane à souvenirs’, a composition based on the recording of memories in a French village, together with Amandine Thiriet - performed during the festival Courvillenscène - Courville sur Eure, France
I concept, recording, mixing of ‘Cristallisation’, field recording based composition with the theme ‘Shadows’ together with Arina Koreniushkina - performed during the festival 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
I Soundscape for the collective ‘Out of the dark’ - English Theatre Berlin, Germany
April 2016-July 2018
I Master Studies “Sound Studies” at the University of Arts - Berlin, Germany


September I Concept, sounddesign and composing of ‘Horizon/s’ together with Belinda Sykora - Wave Field Synthesis
June I Composition of ‘My voice is a line’ a solo performance for voice and electronic instrument - performed during the festival 48 Stunden Neukölln
May I  Composition of interactive musical moments for the theatre play ‘Zone de Tir’ - performed at ACUD Theater, Berlin
April 2016-July 2018 I Master Studies “Sound Studies” at the University of Arts - Berlin, Germany


June I Composition and sound design for the dance choreography ‘Undercover’ by Léa Jamilloux - performed at ACUD Theatre and Dock 11, Berlin
