Originally from France, Aude Langlois is a sound designer and sound artist based in Berlin for the last decade. She is a graduate of “Sound Studies” at the University of Arts in Berlin and of “Music and Musicology” at Paris-Sorbonne.

You can hear her work in films, documentaries and music releases. With electronic hardware, field recordings, and self made recordings of her voice and acoustic instruments, she creates sound textures with depths. Her interests lays in the connection of memory, technical crafting and the materiality of sound.

She also performs improvised live shows within the duet EKHEO together with Belinda Sykora, exploring the relationship of the human voice, voice modulation, AI and ethics on a sonic level. Furthermore they create sound for theatre and performances across France, Germany and Austria.

She is currently part of the faculty of "Sound Studies and Sonic Arts" at the University of Arts in Berlin.

Photo : Celeste Call